premium small business SEO package.

East Coast Web Design Logo

Call now 0409 077 367

ideas to design

web design packages

  1. SEO packages  (see below)

  2. Social Media Integration Facebook/Twitter/Google+.  $150

  3. Keyword density copy writing  $35 per hour

  4. Photography  P.O.A

  5. Graphic Design  $50 per hour

  6. Image Manipulation/Photoshopping  $50 per hour

  7. Website Maintenance  $50 per hour (see our Packages here)

  1.    Google Analytics and Monthly Reporting $200 a year

web design extras

Single page customised web design.

2 Design concepts.

2 Revision rounds based on your feedback.

Client inserts their own text*.

Client supplies graphics and photography.


Domain name and hosting additional see

our hosting Page for details.

landing page


Single Page Website

Copyright © East Coast Web Design 2012

All Rights Reserved


5 Page Website

Customised Web Design  .

up to 3 Web Design Concepts.

up to 4 Revision Rounds Based on your feedback.

Contact Page with Email Form/Map.

Client inserts their own text.

Client supplies graphics and photography.

1 Month Free Maintenance (so you can make any changes)

Additional Pages  @ $150.


Domain name and hosting additional see

our hosting Page for details.


5 Page Website

start up business


Up to 10 Page Website.

Customised Web Design.

up to 5 Web Design Concepts.

up to 4 Revision Rounds Based on your feedback.

Contact Page with Email Form/Map.

Keyword Density copywriting*

Client supplies graphics and photography.

Stock photography to the value of $25.

Social Media Integration Facebook/Twitter/Google+.

Web Analytics/Reports.


Domain name and hosting additional see

our hosting Page for details.


10 Page


small business


no templates all original designs tailored to your business.

domain names and hosting not included.

receive a free social media setup and info pack with every new website*.

special offer..

*offer available with Startup and Small Business Package only and for a limited time.

  1. Site analysis

  2. Keyword analysis

  3. Design enhancements

  4. Consultancy

  1. Search engine submission

  2. XML sitemap generation

  3. Website analytics setup

  4. Google maps submission

  5. Google Webmaster Tools

  1. In & outbound link building

  2. Links page management

  1. Content suggestions report

  2. Keyword conversion report

  3. Custom analytic reporting

  4. Web analytics report

  5. Web ranking report

  6. Automated email analytics

  1. Whole site optimisation

  2. Meta tag adjustments

  3. Spider friendly navigation

  4. Source code optimisation

  5. Keyword density copy writing

  6. Google Maps optimisation

  1. SEO planning

  1. SEO activation

  1. Link building

  1. Onsite SEO


Site analysis

Google maps submission

Site optimisation

Spider friendly navigation

Google key word tools

Free Social Media Setup package

start up business



Site analysis

Keyword analysis

Google maps submission

Google key word tools

Web Analytics setup

Site optimisation for 1st Page

Google webmaster tools

Content suggestions report

Keyword conversion report

Free Social Media Setup package


small business


search engine optimisation

All our websites all have the basic SEO planning included in the web design.

  1. Design enhancements

  2. Consultancy

  1. Search engine submission

  2. XML sitemap submission

  1. SEO reports

  1. Keyword analysis

  2. Meta tags applied

register yours here today